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My first dive experience was a 'resort certification' in 1995 in the Virgin islands that allowed me to dive with a guide while we were on vacation. I did this same type 'resort certification' 2-3 other times while on vacation in the late 1990s and early 2000s, but it wasn't until 2015, 20 years after that first dive, that I finally decided to get Open Water certified and really fell in love with the freedom of diving.
Since getting certified, I have enjoyed diving in a wide variety of environments and plan most of my vacation time around diving. From Minnesota lakes country to diving in Hawaii, Florida or the Caribbean, there is always something new and fun to explore, and as divers we get to see things that less than 1% of the people on the earth will ever get to experience. My 3 favorite dives: #3) my first time ice diving in Minnesota, which is a completely different experience than summer or ocean diving! #2)The Spiegel Grove, a massive sunken ship in the Florida Keys, and #1) the manta ray dive in Kona Hawaii!
I became an Open Water Scuba instructor and joined Mick's Scuba in 2020 in order to share this great sport with others, and became a Master Scuba Diving Trainer at the end of 2021. My favorite classes to instruct are our Discover Scuba classes and our Open Water Scuba classes where you get the help first time divers experience the thrill of their first breath underwater.